Your gut may be your strength

Food choices make gut voices

Tufts University Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging recently issued a study that suggest that our gut microbiota (the normal bacterial cells throughout our body, especially in our gut) plays a role in muscle mass and function.

The study compared bacteria from gut microbiomes of older adults, comparing those of high physical function to those with low function. They colonized the guts of mice with bacteria from the two groups and found the mice colonized with bacteria from the higher physical functioning humans showed higher grip strength than in the mice with bacteria from lower functioning humans.

While this study is very short in time, and has a small sample size, it is illustrative of research being done to understand how our gut bacteria impacts our lives. You can read more about the study here:

What Chinese Medicine knows is that what we eat creates our physical bodies. When we eat food, real food such as fruits and vegetables, we create bodies more in harmony with life itself. Harmony with life doesn’t mean everything is easy, or that our body won’t experience problems. It means we will have more strength and resources to deal with problems that arise.